Poster pitches and poster session 1

Poster pitches and poster session 1

PASTA: Pattern Analysis for Spatial Omics Data

An Open Software Development-based Ecosystem of R Packages for Proteomics Data Analysis

Enhancing Robustness in Differential Abundance Testing for Microbiome Data Analysis through Consensus-Based Approach

scpGUI and QFeaturesGUI: Graphical Interfaces for Single-Cell and Bulk Proteomics

An Open Software Development-based Ecosystem of R Packages for Metabolomics Data Analysis

Differential Correlation Analysis and Biological Function Inference on Single Cell Proteomics

From Cancer-Testis genes to Cancer-Testis enhancers

gINTomics visualizer, a powerful shiny app for multiomics data integration visualization.

A streamlined platform for cell type-specific prediction of TF binding

Diagnostic and filtering of genomic DNA contamination in RNA-seq data with gDNAx

Bulk vs single-cell proteomics: is there a need for identification optimization?

Deciphering tumour cell interactions and communications from the gene expression profiles of single cells RNA sequencing data

Enhancing Plasmodium Research through PlasmoRUtils: A one-stop R Package for Apicomplexan Biology

The analysis of tumour microenvironment cell composition from a single-cell perspective.

Deep Immune Phenotyping of Heart Failure to identify molecular signatures of Metabolically Induced dysregulations in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells

Optimizing Machine Learning Models for Enhanced Prediction of Cardiometabolic Diseases from Multiomics Data

Big-data scheme for inquiring the shared mobilome in livestock and human gut microbiomes

Comprehensive and standardised workflow for single-cell proteomics data analysis using scp and scplainer.